Activation energy is a term used in chemistry and physics that’s defined as the energy you have to put into a system for a chemical reaction to occur. That may sound perplexing, and admittedly, it took me a while to fully wrap my head around it. But it’s actually pretty simple and boils […]
Want to increase productivity? You’re not alone. Research suggests that the majority of professionals are interested in boosting efficiency, achieving more in the workday, enjoying more leisurely downtime, increasing focus…in a word, increasing productivity. At KosmoTime, we share this obsession. But instead of turning to pop methods or the latest trending productivity […]
Ultradian rhythms are recurring bodily cycles that take place during the course of a 24-hour day. The term “ultradian rhythm” might sound abstruse, but the concept is simple. Working with your ultradian rhythm is all about following your body’s natural work/rest cycles to reduce fatigue and increase productivity. Here’s everything you need to know about […]
There are a ton of productivity hacks out there, but a lot of them consist of overused and generic advice. Not helpful. At all. Here are 43 productivity hacks rooted in science that will help you become a productivity ninja.
Context switching, where you try to juggle multiple tasks at once, can lower productivity by as much as 80%. 80%! If left unchecked, context switching only destroys your productive time, it can also overload your brain (makes you dumber as I’ll show below) and stresses you out. In this article, I’m going to show you […]
Heart rate variability is a measure of the difference in time between heartbeats. Simple as it is, heart rate variability or HRV for short, contains a lot of messages about how your body is performing. Physicians and athletes have understood the importance and principles of heart rate variability, but the implications of HRV have seldom […]
Cognitive load is the amount and type of information your brain can hold and process at one time. Obviously, there’s a limit to your cognitive load. You can’t do too many things at once, and you certainly can’t do a lot of things well at one time. Cognitive load theory, then, states that if we […]
Sign up for KosmoTime, the to do list with super powers. (It’s free.) Many emails in your inbox and slack messages are someone else wanting you to do something, right?
KosmoTime is the to do list of the future — engineered according to the latest findings in cognitive theory and productivity science. As you explore the productivity resources below, be sure to sign up for KosmoTime (it’s free) and begin to enjoy a massive uptick in your productivity and efficiency. Have you seen the movie “Her” […]
I can’t run a productivity company and not be on the top of my game, right? Well, it’s not by accident that I got into this space. I have been naturally obsessed by efficiency ever since I was a kid. Multitasking came early for me – I was working to pay for my education ever […]