Sign up for GipsyTime, the to do list with superpowers. (It’s free.) You’ve probably been in this situation… You’ve just got out of an interview with a potential new hire and you’ve only got 5 minutes until your next meeting You open slack… Crap. Now you’ve only got 5 minutes to: Respond to your CEO […]
The Five Minute Journal is one of the simplest ways that I have found to consistently ensure improving my well being and happiness. Both in terms of achievement and actual measurable, quantifiable results. Tim Ferris I bet you’re reading this and thinking… “Journaling? Why do I care about journaling?” You might picture a teenage […]
Be sure to sign up for GipsyTime, the to do list with superpowers. I’ve been following Dave Asprey (the “inventor” of the BulletProof coffee) for many years now. I used to enjoy reading about his relentless efforts to make himself live longer and healthier through unorthodox ways. I’ve read all his books and I think […]
I really dislike cooking. So much so that my biggest dream is that someday I will have a personal chef. One who’s as obsessive on macros and nutrients and latest data on longevity and health factors as I am. Until then I sort my One Meal a Day (OMAD) on my own (I do OMAD because […]
Comments are a good way to create engagement within your app and most importantly create value to users/visitors by allowing them collaborate and/or express their opinions You can show comments in social media app, on a blog post/video, on a question/answers app or in a collaborative app. Within all these options – what’s the best […]
Continuation from Day 1 at the Keto Summit in Washington My backpack is full of books and I’m ready to take the train back to New York. I’m happy I spent a weekend in Washington at the Keto Summit. Here are my 3 takeaways from today.
Ever since my neighbor, who was a second mom to me, died suddenly when I was a kid I just thought life is short. And that you just suddenly die even if you are healthy. This “hypothesis” was confirmed to me later on in college when a friend who looked super lean and as strong […]
Sign up for GipsyTime, the To Do list with superpowers. They say reading a book should be handled as drinking wine. You savor it, you don’t rush to finish it. But I’m of the opinion that not all books are like wine. Some need reading without the need of pondering on every word (like most […]
Often tasks in my GipsyBot list are articles others tell me I should read. I trust the judgement of those who send me articles and have the best intention of reading the referred links. But it’s not always obvious how much this specific task will take me I want to pre-build this feature into GipsyBot […]
The ability to delegate effectively is no doubt one of the most important skills for managers. A study conducted in 2012 by Lawrence Technological University reported that 70% of leaders state they routinely delegate and 20% state they delegate often. Yet that majority of managers report struggling with too much on their plate. More often […]